Thursday, October 31, 2019
Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marriage - Essay Example This paper will look closely at the factor of having the right partner for the marriage and if it can help to cement a stable relationship. But first let us explore the institution of marriage and the dynamism of the institution The question that linger in our mind is what is the real cause of such instability in our marriages Though this question is hard to answer, there are some obvious answers that any one of us can give as the main cause of such instability in the marriage institution in the modern world. In order to find the appropriate answer to this question, we should first look at the cause of that may be leading to high rate of divorces in our society. Let us look at some of these causes There are many causes of divorce in our modern society. The leading cause of divorce and instability in our marriage has been identified as economic issues in marriage. Though many people and many psychological counselors tend to downplay this issue, it is the leading cause of many divorces. It has been shown that there is high rate probability for divorce in case one of the partners loses income. Economic constrain in marriages leads to conflict on most issues in the households. The modern marriage has been commentated on basis of equal contribution by both partners who came into force with the end of full time mothers. In our traditional society, husbands were given the duty of providing fro the families but this has changed over time with the coming of modern notion of full time career mothers. As a result husbands have been reluctant in providing for their families alone if their wives are working. Hence in case where both the husband and the wives are working, failure by one partner to remit their contribution to the maintenance of the family is one of the leading factors causing instability in marriages. Many of divorce cases that have been filed have resulted from the economic hardship faced by one of the parties in marriages. It has been observed that most of divorce cases filed on economic ground is fronted by wives. Therefore economic issues are one of the factors in stability of the marriage that goes beyond the issue of whether one is having the right partner or not. (Cooper, 2006) The other cause of divorces in marriage has been infidelity from one or both of the partners. In many instances, sexual dissatisfaction has been one of the leading factor causing breakdown of many marriages. Infidelity has become norm in most modern marriages with many partners citing sexual dissatisfaction as the main cause of their infidelity. The issue of infidelity goes beyond the compatibility of partners in marriage and the breakdown in married couple with declining value of the institution can be identified as the leading factors causing infidelity. Sexual deprivation come as a second issue in marriage conflict which means there has to be a primary issue that is causing this dissatisfaction and which leads to infidelity. The other issue that can be identified
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Efficient Functioning of a Capitalist System Coursework
Efficient Functioning of a Capitalist System - Coursework Example The country's law should also assist companies to come-up with their CSR policies; hence the company law has to bring required amendments. Like other countries, the concept of CSR is gaining momentum in the UK and the company law system is incorporating required changes so that companies can carry out their social responsibility. UK company law system is considered as an over-complicated system which has a blend of both modern and radicalism. All the UK listed companies have to comply with the combined code and they have to publish the Turnbull report. This report ensures that the company will manage its non-financial risks and it will pay due respect toward environmental, social and ethical factors along with its main business practice. The UK government always tried to maintain a balance between shareholders interest and this view was clearly reflected in the white paper that provides a guideline which the companies have to follow. A government of the UK has always supported the id ea that the duty of the director of a company has to be codified and the new director should gain an introductory idea regarding the duty toward society. After considering all the factors into account, the UK government had introduced certain amendments like draft clauses, volume II- Schedule II, 2 (b) which was a step toward modernizing the company's lawyer. Different thinkers have the different view regarding capitalism and CSR. The term corporate was well defined by Melvin Aron Eisenberg in the following fashion â€Å"the business corporation is an instrument through which capital is assembled for the activities of producing and distributing goods and services and making the investment. The business corporation should have as its objective the conduct of such activities with a view to enhancing the corporation's profit and the gain of the corporation’s owners.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Valentine By Carol Anne Duffy English Literature Essay
Valentine By Carol Anne Duffy English Literature Essay Romeo and Juliet is a well-known tragedy by the playwright William Shakespeare that was written in the late 16th century. It is a story of how the children of two rival families meet and instantaneously fall in love. Carol Anne Duffys modern day poem Valentine much like Romeo and Juliet is very firmly themed around the strong feeling of love but is a more controversial love poem in which Carol Anne Duffy compares love to strange objects such as an onion. In my essay I will compare ways in which this theme is presented to the reader and discuss both writers ideas and attitudes to love. Romeo and Juliet is possibly the most famous classic love story there is. But there are many types of love that the play refers to. True love is the most obvious and this love is communicated between the two main characters in the play; Romeo and Juliet. The first sign of true love is through love at first sight where Romeo says of how Juliet doth teach the torches to burn bright! Imagery is used here by Shakespeare to evoke a mental image of natural light shining from Juliet. This light imagery emphasises Juliets beauty and how to Romeo, she is the only one he sees in the room. To a reader, this immediately puts both Romeo and Juliet in isolation signifying such intense, physical feelings and attraction on Romeos behalf. In modern society, some may view this as sexual love or lust but love at first sight was accepted by Elizabethan society. Juliet also uses light imagery to express how she sees her relationship with Romeo in the famous balcony scene (Act 2 Scene 2). She describes it as being too like the lightning suggesting that it is moving too quickly. However, Juliet may have used this to describe Romeo as her light in a dark sky and a ray in a dark world. This representation used by Shakespeare could imply what his ideas were of the Elizabethan world that he lived in. In Act 1 Scene 5, we also see Shakespeares use of religious imagery to experience a deeper connection as Juliet is shown to also be overwhelmed by Romeo as she accepts his offer of a kiss by [letting] lips do what hands do; pray. By this, Shakespeare is writing as Romeo to ask for their lips to meet, like hands may do in a prayer and for Romeo to fulfil the physical feelings felt by him earlier in the Act upon first seeing Juliet. The use of these religious overtones here indicates that the love shared by Romeo and Juliet can only be described by such spiritual and religious terms. Though it seems that it is only Romeo who uses religious overtones by calling Juliet his dear saint and describing how he is willing to worship her, we also see this imagery used by Juliet in Act 2 where she describes Romeo as being the god of her idolatry almost opposing religion by defining Romeo as her God to worship. Both Romeo and Juliet express true love through one of its strongest ways; death. For both characters, it is either to live with the other or if that is not possible (which it isnt because of the feud) then to simply die. This idea of fate and tragedy is presented to the audience in the plays prologue where these two characters are described as a pair of star-crossed lovers [who] take their life. This quote at the beginning of the play will have given the impression of no hope and unchangeable tragedy to an Elizabethan theatre audience as they delve deeper into the story. This technique of using death to symbolize love is shown by Shakespeare when Romeos addiction of true love draws him to go into the Capulet garden and find Juliet on her balcony. It is here where Romeo tells Juliet that he would rather face death than have to live and deal with Juliets rejection, My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love. Romeo use of this quote is to almost show commitment and willingness to sacrifice anything for Juliet and to open up his true feelings; even though a modern audience may see these sudden feelings as overly exaggerated due to love being seen as something that grows over time by many people now and not something that can occur within a few hours. This illustrates the differences in social, cultural and historical views on love from the Elizabethan period in which Shakespeare lived and the present world. Shakespeares use of language and structure in Romeo and Juliet contributes and further enhances the feelings involved in the play to an audience. An example of this is Shakespeares use of sonnets. This poetic form commonly featured 14 lines and was written in iambic pentameter to give structure and flow. Sonnets were also poems of the time that symbolised love. This sonnet form in is shown after the wedding night where Romeo has to leave but he in so in love that he tells Juliet he will risk getting caught and stay, I have more care to stay than will to go Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. Again this quote expresses how Romeo puts Juliet and her happiness before death. This language and structure is used by Shakespeare along with its relation to love and death give the quote a true portrayal of the emotions involved between Romeo and Juliet. What true love also does to both these character is change them. In Juliets case, it gives her strength to disobey obey her parents. This was unheard of in the Elizabethan era as woman had very limited rights despite the fact that the monarch at the time was indeed was a female monarch (Queen Elizabeth I). In Juliets time, daughters were expected to obey whatever their parents command was, whereas today, teenagers have more control over their own lives and opinions. Juliets love for Romeo gives her the strength to deny the marriage proposal to Paris and face any consequences that came with that. Juliet says of how, He shall not make me there a joyful bride, and she will not marry yet but when she does, It shall be Romeo, In contrast, Act 1 Scene 3 shows how obedient Juliet was before meeting Romeo. She shows this when the subject of arranged marriage with Paris is brought up early in the play. Juliet speaks of how she will not endart [her] eye any further than her parents consent gives strength to make it fly. Here Juliet does more than just agree with her parents, but she further elaborates by explaining how she will not like him any more than her parents would like her to. This again demonstrates how deeply in love both Romeo and Juliet were with one another as Juliet challenges her parents word. Another way love presented in the play that also helps express how true Romeo and Juliets love was and illustrates how Romeo changes when meeting Juliet is Courtly love or Petrarchan love. Courtly love was love from afar. It is little known of today but it is clearly shown to us by Shakespeare in the play that this love was a common idea in his time. This form of love is demonstrated through Romeo and his infatuation and obsession with Rosaline early in the play. As the audience, we never meet Rosaline and only discover the depth of Romeos so called love for her. In Act 1 Scene 1, Romeo expresses how he sees Rosaline as being, rich in beauty when Romeo first appears in the play. Before seeing Juliet, Romeo was obsessed with Rosaline as was often found with tears augmenting the fresh mornings dew and [locking] fair daylight out. This quote displays Romeos depression as his love for Rosaline was never returned. Courtly love in this play helps the audience understand the intensity of Romeos feelings upon seeing Juliet. It is like he totally forgets about Rosaline when he says, Did my heart love till now? For I neer saw true beauty till this night. This implies that Romeos short, courtly obsession with Rosaline was nothing in comparison to the emotions he now feels looking at Juliet. This will have left any Elizabethan audience puzzled and thinking of how Romeo is just loves fool. What we do learn about Romeo now is that he was not in love with Rosaline but instead was in love with the idea of being love but experiences love at first sight when he sees Juliet. From this we learn that Romeo and Juliet change after meeting one another. Meeting Romeo gives Juliet strength to go against her parents word and meeting Juliet makes Romeo forget about Rosaline. Shakespeares use of courtly love is to elevate and display the depth of love shown between Romeo and Juliet. The use of these many features by Shakespeare give a modern day reader an image of a perfect, heavenly match/relationship, one that many people long for today where one is willing to give their lives for one another but one that will have been more believable to an Elizabethan audience because of their ideas of love and how someone can fall in love. Such impressions illustrate the changing views of love throughout history in different cultures. However this also helps demonstrate the power that love has had over time because of how humanity can form an emotional connection with it so easily whether it is fiction or not which explains why Romeo and Juliet has been so popular, even 400 years after it was written. Love is something that everyone can relate to whether they have experienced it or not and this is why Romeo and Juliet has been so influential and significant to many readers across the world in either a historic and modern world. Valentine is a poem written in 2010 by Carol Anne Duffy, the current poet laureate. The poem expresses Duffys unusual point of view on love. This is clear from the title and the first line in the poem. The title Valentine is almost misleading as a reader goes on to read the first line where Duffy explains how it is not a red rose or a satin heart. Duffy uses this sentence along with its aloneness below the title to set the tone of the poem of defying tradition. Duffys poem is formed around the extended metaphor of an onion. To many people, Duffys comparison may be seen as very controversial initially as she replaces giving a red rose with giving something bizarre like an onion. However, Duffy uses her cleverness to explain how she used the extended metaphor of giving an onion as something that is more special due to the deep meaning it holds to her and its similarities to love. An example of this is how Duffy describes how an onion can blind you with tears Like a lover. Using this language feature of a simile allows for a connection to be built between an onion and love by explaining how an onion that makes you cry is like the pain caused by love can make you cry. Tears are often something that is provoked by either happiness or sadness. This illustrates the ups and downs of a relationship that a lover is involved in. The word blind can also refer to how love can blind someone in love, making them unable to see anything wrong in their lover . Tears are used here as a physical barrier to not being able to see and also to refer to the ups and down faced by in a relationship. Carol Anne Duffy also goes on to other links between her onion and its message of love to the reader. Duffy suggests how the layers of an onion can represent a wedding ring, Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring. The word shrink from platinum loops to a wedding ring could possibly convey Duffys view on marriage. Maybe Duffy is implying that an onion and its loops are more valuable than a wedding ring as it has to shrink and reduce down in size, like marriage may shrink passion and love in relationship. Many may view this as Duffy insulting marriage which may suggest why she is unmarried. But, this distinctive thinking is what matches with the tone of the entire poem; that of slightly defying tradition and going against what people have never questioned. In this case it is marriage, but as discussed above it was traditional valentine gifts. Duffy explains her view and these similarities and previous controversy for many readers changes to an understandable connection and reasoning for Duffys view of why she would use the extended metaphor of an onion. This view may suggest and give a reader an impression of Duffys personality, of how she may look at objects very differently with critical thought. The language used in Valentine helps make the poem more personal to a reader as Duffy uses the words I and you rather than talking in 3rd person. This gives the impression that these feelings have indeed been experienced by Duffy. When looking at the structure of Valentine, a reader can say that the structure and form of the poem is very irregular with single lined verses, lines of different lengths and single words followed by full stops. Where Shakespeare uses the traditional love poem structure of a sonnet, Duffy chooses not to. Again, this expresses how Duffy is being different and opposing what is seen as normal for the style of a love poem. It shows a difference between Shakespeares writing and attitudes to Duffys more controversial poem by the use of the word Not to achieve effect. This is because Shakespeare merely presents love in Romeo and Juliet but Duffy both presents and expresses her view on love in Valentine. Despite the differences in both writers attitudes and ideas to love, the play and poem also have many similarities. A similarity in content is through the use of light imagery. It is used in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet to signify beauty and also views on society by Shakespeare but it is also used in Duffys Valentine. In the poem, this light imagery is represented through how an onion promises light. This light can be seen as Duffy expressing the good things that make up a relationship as light is related to good just like darkness is often related to all things bad. In this case, the light is like the careful undressing of love. Duffy is literally undressing and taking a different viewpoint to express her thoughts on love through explaining all things she believes are good and bad about a relationship. We know this as she goes from talking about this light to telling readers of how love can make you blind. However the major similarity between both Romeo and Juliet and Valentine is how they both involve defying common social views and structure in different contexts. Shakespeare expresses this through the characters Romeo and Juliet where they defy their family structures, the Montagues and the Capulets, in order to be with one another. Juliet also goes against her parents word and both Romeo and Juliet speak of how they would idolise and worship each other which oppose religion and Christian tradition as idol worship. Duffy challenges normal thought throughout her poem to achieve effect and communicate her views to a reader. Even the structure of Valentine is very different to any love poem which is usually written as a sonnet like it is written by Shakespeare. I believe both Shakespeares and Duffys techniques of exploring love in different times and contexts are very effective on a reader or an audience. Duffys ideas and presentation of this theme of love can be seen as appealing due to its more unique approach. But, because Duffys views are different to that of modern society it can also be seen as less influential than Romeo and Juliets presentation of this perfect couple to audiences and readers throughout history. Love in Romeo and Juliet is easier to relate to for anyone because most people in life long for their romeo or their juliet and it is only a presentation of love, not a totally different view of love. It is because of this Romeo and Juliet has been so popular in many forms of entertainment including theatre and now even movies.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Attending a Speech on Brown versus Board of Education -- Linda Brown C
The Brown Sisters Revisited Five weeks ago I made my way through the atrocious March weather to Foellinger auditorium to hear the sisters whose name introduces the landmark case of 1954 which began the uphill process of integration. On that chilly March day, Linda Brown and Cheryl Brown Henderson spoke to a crowd of about five-hundred consisting of students, faculty and local citizens. The sisters addressed the assembly consecutively, Linda Brown being the first to speak. Their topics ranged from their first-hand memories of the case to their continuing efforts to fight for equal education through their efforts with the Brown Foundation. The familiarity of the Brown decision became a little easier to grasp after seeing this marquee event of the Brown v. Board of Education jubilee celebration. I first heard of the Brown decision in elementary school. For four years I attended a progressive Montessori school in my hometown of St. Paul, MN. The school had an enrollment smaller than most of my lectures here at the University. My teacher for those four years was a seventy year old woman named Joan who to this day I revere as the best educator I had besides my parents. Joan had more intelligence than most college professors and more social consciousness than a human rights activist. In February of my first grade year, roughly twelve years before the Brown sisters’ presentation at Foellinger, Joan loaded up the Civil Rights movement film strip. After lunch and recess, the lessons usually revolved around a video or a film strip. Afternoon instruction topics ranged from early Greek art to the Theory of Relativity and everything in between. Often the antiquated film strip machine would break and w... ...le girl had helped change the way America thought about race relations. I learned the emotions, the dialogue and the family ties that facilitated the early movement. These were things that even Joan, bless her heart, could not teach me. One cannot learn the inside details and feelings of those who went through such tumultuous times and rode the waves of a sea of change. Usually when I am assigned to do something outside of school I don’t get much learning out of the assignment. But this assignment proved invaluable to my understanding of the Civil Rights movement and I am in debt to the educational powers that be for requiring me to go. Would I go see this speech without the required assignment? The answer unfortunately is no. I have come to realize over my years of education that it is the events outside of school in which one learns the most.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Types of Motivation
Edgar McCarthy Types of Motivation Professor: Dr. Clemons 4-8-13 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for a Bachelor of Science Degree Week# 3 Westwood College Types of Motivation 1. Emphasis on personnel motives and values. An effective motivation plan must take into consideration the motives and values of employees. Criminal workers have motives and values that stress public service as well as personal interests; they want to ne in profession that is both appreciated and remunerated fairly and appropriately.Often criminal justice administrators are indifferent to or unaware of just how important the motives and values of employees are. Those in leadership positions must offer a set of motives and values as guidance for subordinates. By having an articulated mission statement, for example the important motives and values of the organization become known, and employees are able to see how they fit into larger picture of the organization. 2. Use of incentitives and rewards. Employees need incentitives to meet expectations and appropriate rewards for jobs well done.A major challenge for criminal justice administrators is the creation of formal and informal approaches to recognize and reward employees. The types of rewards can be varied. Monetary rewards are often difficult to provide, but other types of rewards, such as informal praise when a job is handled well and employee recognition programs can be given. 3. Reinforcement. Administrators must develop feedback mechanism so that workers understand that their performance is appropriate on assigned tasks. More often than not, the immediate supervisor provides little or no feedback to subordinates.This creates much anxiety and uncertainty among employees, causing their motivation to wane. 4. Specific and clear goals. All theories of motivation highlight the importance of goals or expected outcomes to the motivation process. This is probably the most difficult and problematical area in motivating criminal justice emplo yees. As public agencies, criminal justice organizations are expected to address multiple, and sometimes conflicting, goals; consequently, specifying goals and prioritizing them can be very difficult. This difficulty, more than any other, poses problems for administrators.Goal clarity and goal consensus may not be possible in criminal justice organizations and, as a consequence, developing effective motivation plans will be difficult. 5. Sufficient personal and material resources. The organization must have a sufficient number of resources, both human and financial, to create a proper motivating environment for employees. Examples of such resources include support and training programs for employees, outlets for employees that allow socialization and the development of informal groups, and material support, such as adequate supplies and equipment, for tasks to be accomplished and goal attained.Managers that take these ideas can make criminal justice organizations more aware of the m otivation needs of employees. Positive motivation is the single most important element for job satisfaction and department success which then equates into community approval and support. By establishing and implementing changes to import motivation then attitudes will shift and the productive transformation will be apparent. References Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management By Stan Stojkovic, David B. Kalinich, John Klofas http://lawenforcementtoday. com/2011/10/31/motivational-policing/
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Enrollment Process Essay
INTRODUCTION Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of students and faculty to register on a certain school. Different interconnected processes build up enrollment procedures called enrollment system. Enrollment system is used particularly in recording and retrieving students’ information. Tracking students’ information is also one feature of enrollment system, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments is also added to update or browse students’ billings. Enrollment system is a good example of a computer generated process. This can diminish the workload and provide accurate information needed of the school. Enrollment and Accounting System must be used in schools. It will provide and store the needed information faster and more convenient. Moreover, it allows the retrieval of information of student enrollees and faculties in a computer system that will lessen their time and effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student and faculty every now and then. The information here can be viewed in just a second without becoming anxious that a single file is lost. The idea behind an enrollment and accounting system is not a new concept since some schools are already using electronic enrollment system. In this study, the researchers concentrated on the developed of Enrollment and Accounting System for St. Andrew Academy to provide solution to the problem that they encounter in operating its manual enrollment and accounting system. The directress of the said school uses manual system in recording and retrieving students’ information. In fact, she does all the record keeping just by using ball pen and columnar sheet. On the other hand, the registrar also uses manual system in recording and retrieving student information. In connection to this, the researchers conclude that they are capable of creating a system to address the problem based on their background and knowledge they learned in their Database Management System 2. PROJECT CONTEXT (IPO) The system design project is Enrollment and Accounting System that will provide and store the needed information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees and payroll of the faculties in a computer system. This will also be exclusively used for the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor/instructor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees. This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the management information system because they are the ones who are entitled to touch and read the information. It will help the institution to have a system that will enhance the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that the institutions are trying to meet. Input Process Output FEEDBACK Figure 1: Research Paradigm The paradigm of this research consists of three parts. First is Input wherein the researchers will identify the problems encounter of the existing of Enrollment and Accounting System of St. Andrew Academy, the Functional and Non-Functional requirements of the system, the Hardware and Software requirements, and last is the level of acceptability of the proposed system. This will enable the developers to work on the features of the system that will help alleviate, if not totally solve, the problems identified on the first phase of the study. The next phase of the study is the Process wherein the researchers will use the Unified Process (UP) in IPO is specifically from Inception to Transition. This is considered the most costly and laborious phase of the study as the developers will guarantee that the system addresses the problems determined in the first phase of the study. Last is the Output which will be the outcome of the concentrated system. The system will undergo intensive testing to evaluate the accuracy, efficiency, usefulness, responsiveness, and maintainability of the software. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION The main purpose of this study is to develop a software to improve the old and manual enrollment and accounting system of St. Andrew Academy. Hence, it helps allow the school to gain the optimum benefits that the user would get once the new enrollment scheme is implemented. Moreover, it also aims to design an effective and efficient system in terms of speed, reliability and accuracy, and to ease the enrollment system for computer-based system effectively to benefit both the faculty and student community. This study is also meant to help the school manage various operations including data storage, administration, and operations. Students may inquire on matters related to admission and enrollment requirements. The faculty will also be allowed to inquire on matters related to their payrolls. This system assists the students and faculty in their educational and personal need. The enrollment and accounting system will support the student enrollment, admission, and registration process. The database includes the record of students’ personal data, academic information, and related fees. In connection to this, the information of the faculty of the school is required in this system. It focuses on storing and processing (insertion and updating) by using graphical user interface. It generates student information in formatted tables, fees invoice, subjects enrolled, student’s academic detail report, student’s personal detail report, and student’s fee deposition status report. New enrollees will be the only ones to fill up their personal information since they do not have existing records on the system yet. Returning students will only present their report card for the update of their academic record which is already stored in the system. Enrollment and Accounting System is a system in which the computer plays a major role. This is the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers and file cabinets. This will help the institution to store the data they need efficiently. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The researchers aim to design and develop an Enrollment and Accounting System for the students and the teachers of St. Andrew Academy to improve their old and manual system. In accordance with this study, the researchers aimed to provide answers to the following questions: 1. To determine the problems encountered with the existing system of St. Andrew Academy. 2. To identify functional and non-functional requirements. 3. To identify hardware and software requirements. 4. To test the level of the acceptability of the proposed system. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this study is to determine the management practices of the said school. It will look into features of the office and its daily tasks operation. The respondents will be limited to the registrar, cashier, administrator, faculty and employees and the student to ascertain and identify the actual problems existing within the school. It will be used to avoid duplication in encoding and tracing the student information as well as the teachers/faculty information with payrolls when it comes to enrollment processing and payments. With regard to the accounting aspect, it is concerned in getting the time record and attendance of teachers. In the same time the computation of hours work and monitoring of over time, under time, late and outdoor work are included. In addition to this, the proposed Enrollment and Accounting System of St. Andrew Academy supports the network topology implementation within the campus. DEFINITION OF TERMS Operational Terms The definitions of terms are based on observable characteristics and how it is used in the study. Users They are the individuals who use the system for its problem solving assistance. Administrator It refers to a person in charge to manage a system. Record It is a document that contains an account particularly in terms of collection. Conceptual Terms The definitions of terms are based on concepts or hypothetic ones, which are usually taken from the dictionary. Computer System It is the configuration that includes all functional components of computer and its associated hardware or software. Database It is an integrated collection of data which provides a more efficient way of storage and retrieval of data and is capable of processing large portions of data immediately. Information is the data that has been changed into a useful form of output. Process It refers to a series of actions, changes, of functions that bring about an end result. Software It is a computer terminology used to describe the unseen programming codes and running application inside the computer system. System It is a set of related a component that produces specific results.
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