Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Academic Time Management Essay -- Informative Information
Scholastic Time Management With each new experience come difficulties, and tensions that can be overpowering on the off chance that they are not taken care of and managed in a sensible manner. Starting school is positively no special case. Stress takes numerous structures, most quite in the scholastic sense, as tests, papers, and different activities and assignments. Measuring up is a significant part of numerous undergrads, and the most ideal method of getting passing marks without relinquishing all parts of a public activity is powerful time the executives. Very much created time the board aptitudes not just assistance to arrange all the various bits of an understudies life it likewise lessens their degrees of stress and nervousness, while permitting them to accomplish not too bad evaluation point midpoints. Essentially learning and actualizing valuable time the board strategies can help anybody through the tempestuous change to school scholastic life. Stress School life is loaded up with scholarly stressors and tensions that devour most understudies. Huge numbers of the revealed causes and timespans during the school semester where understudies experienced elevate apprehension were comparative and steady among their friends. Notwithstanding, first year recruit and sophomores understudies had higher responses to worry than youngsters and seniors (Misra, 2000, 1). This variety is brought about by the underclassmen’s’ absence of solid social encouraging groups of people, and their immature methods for dealing with stress expected to manage school worry because of requesting school work and undertakings. Scholastic pressure not just comes from the physical remaining task at hand of classes, tests, papers, ventures, and assignments, yet in addition from mental components. The vast majority of the weight and stress understudies face is willful. â€Å"Students’ view of the broad information base required and... ...a, 2000, 4). Time the executives has been a demonstrated pressure reducer, by helping separate and spread out outstanding tasks at hand so understudies can finish assignments with as meager uneasiness as could reasonably be expected. Utilizing such hierarchical strategies likewise dispenses plentiful measures of study time for each class improving students’ GPA. Time the executives procedures give a powerful manual for working your way through any school understanding and are important to each kind of college understudy. References: Lahmers, Amy. â€Å"Factors related with scholastic time use and scholarly execution of understudies: A recursive approach.†Journal of College Student Development Sept./Oct. 2000: 544-554. Misra, Ranjita. â€Å"College students’ scholastic pressure and its connection to their uneasiness, time the board, and relaxation satisfaction.†American Journal of Health Studies 2000: 41-51.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Feminist Epistemology Essay
Unique In this paper I break down the capability of Allison Jaggar’s proposal that feelings as a rule, and fugitive feelings specifically, be joined into women's activist epistemology. Jaggar advocates an outlook hypothesis of feelings, and proposes that the feelings of the mistreated specifically are useful instead of antagonistic to obtaining information. I contend that despite the fact that there are some potential issues with Jaggar’s approach, these issues are basic to point of view speculations and can be tended to by applying the arrangements offered by other women's activist scholars. One normal analysis made by women's activist epistemologists[i] is the evaluate of conventional epistemology’s thoughts of objectivity and lack of bias. As Naomi Scheman puts it, in customary epistemology â€Å"[t]hose who are taken to be in the best situation to know are the individuals who are accepted to be objective, removed, impartial, autonomous, and nonemotionally rational†(3-4). [ii] According to Allison Jaggar, the consequence of this origination of the knower in present day epistemology is a sharp qualification among reason and feeling where reason is favored on the grounds that feelings are seen as automatic reactions that mutilate our balanced perceptions of the world, which thus contort the information we can pick up from these perceptions (1992). She further contends that this qualification adds to the disavowal of women’s epistemic authority since ladies are related with feelings and men with reason, thus men turned into the standard by which epistemic authority is judged. This is only one of numerous worries women's activist epistemologists share. Be that as it may, there are numerous dissimilarities between women's activists concerning how to manage the issues in customary epistemology. [iii] One methodology that I will concentrate on in this paper is women's activist point of view hypothesis, especially the viewpoint hypothesis offered by Jaggar in â€Å"Love and Knowledge: Emotions in Feminist Epistemology. †What Jaggar means to achieve in her paper is to â€Å"begin overcoming any barrier [between feeling and knowledge] through the recommendation that feelings might be useful and even vital as opposed to unfriendly to the development of knowledge†(1992, 146). The extension she needs to assemble incorporates an approach for distinguishing predispositions of the predominant gathering that prompts bogus examinations of the world. This procedure depends on the idea that point of view can be changed by the manner in which one is arranged on the planet, especially how one’s situatedness can influence one’s enthusiastic viewpoint and reaction. I will clarify the idea of enthusiastic point of view and reaction in a second, yet I need to initially take note of that the sort of feelings she believes are critical to women's activist epistemologists are prohibit emotionsâ€which are passionate reactions that don't follow or bolster the qualities and standards we have been instructed to acknowledge. Since prohibit feelings are normally a negative reaction to standards and qualities, they can assist us with distinguishing which inclinations are causing mistakes in our techniques for looking for information. The point that Jaggar needs to clarify is that fairness in our epistemic strategies is inconceivable, along these lines, we should abandon the thought of unprejudiced nature and work towards distinguishing predispositions that will better guide our epistemic undertakings. There is a lot of discussion between women's activists over the capability of women's activist point of view epistemologies, yet, I believe that Jaggar’s technique warrants some thought. [iv] However, in light of the fact that she offers only a sketch of how feelings may be fused into epistemology, there are a few parts of her hypothesis that are risky. The primary issue is that point of view hypotheses appear to disregard the varying encounters of specific people inside gatherings by attempting to talk about the encounters of these gatherings all in all. The subsequent issue is that Jaggar needs to deliver how to recognize which ban feelings might advance women's activist advantages from different feelings, prohibit or something else. The general point of this paper, at that point, is to start an examination concerning whether Jaggar’s proposition will be a productive undertaking for women's activist epistemologists. The more explicit point of this paper is to bring up a portion of the potential issues that emerge from her hypothesis, as a women's activist hypothesis, and to offer some potential answers for these issues, some of which are arrangements that women's activists have recently used to answer comparable issues in other women's activist speculations. 1. Jaggar’s View Jaggar contends that speculations that make the qualification among reason and feeling in accordance with information are mixed up in that they erroneously expect feelings are automatic reactions that can be isolated from reason. Jaggar battles that most feelings are socially built, purposeful, and can impact our impression of the world. For instance, when somebody feels outrage at a slight from a companion, this annoyance emerges not as an automatic reaction, but instead there is a judgment being made about the manner in which companions should act and the reaction of outrage is the proper feeling that compares with one’s desires being baffled. We structure convictions about what comprises a slight by a companion simultaneously as we realize what our general public qualities as fitting kinship conduct and suitable reactions to various experiencesâ€say warmth as a reaction to regard from one’s companions and outrage to disregard. The possibility that feelings are developed proposes that socialization impacts our evaluations of the world and the decisions we make are frequently enthusiastic reactions to perceptions that mirror the standards and estimations of our general public. For instance, when somebody makes a quip the normal reaction is for an individual to be diverted. Be that as it may, my being diverted by a joke assumes various social conditions. For example, when we hear something like ‘a cleric, a rabbi, and a duck stroll into a bar’ we quickly feel an expectant delight, since we perceive this as a joke equation. [v] If I don't perceive this recipe then my absence of comprehension could make me not share a similar social encounter as the others who are hearing a similar joke. Second, so as to discover the joke interesting I should not just comprehend the language wherein the joke is told, yet in addition the substance of the joke. I should have a similar evaluation of the world so as to really be entertained by the turn of phrase. Third, passionate reactions are neither programmed nor detached as in we have no power over them. I might be diverted and snicker at a joke of this sort. Be that as it may, I may not snicker in the event that I see the joke as off color despite the fact that not giggling when beguilement is foreseen frequently makes snapshots of social pressure and inconvenience. The significant thing to note here is that in the two cases whether I am diverted can be an intentional cognizant choice. From this model, we can perceive any reason why Jaggar recommends that, â€Å"every feeling surmises an assessment of some part of the earth while, and then again, every assessment or examination of the circumstance suggests that the individuals who share the assessment will share, ceteris paribus, an anticipated passionate reaction to the situation†(1992, 153). Similarly as I would need to share a comparable examination of the world so as to comprehend the climax of a joke, I am additionally affected by those assumptions to think the joke is amusing. In any event, I am adapted somewhat to perceive a joke when I hear one and giggle when I think chuckling is the normal reaction. Jaggar thinks perceive that feelings assume a job by they way we look for information, given that on the off chance that we keep up the differentiation among feeling and reason in epistemology, at that point this qualification will impact whom we believe are acceptable epistemic operators: to be specific, impartial specialists who can shield their feelings from meddling with their perceptions. Amusingly, in light of the fact that the thought of an impartial examiner is viewed as the perfect, we are one-sided in our evaluation of who is a decent agent and who isn't. Note that Jaggar isn't stating we are not being fair enough in our evaluation of agents; rather she is stating our predisposition for the impartial is restraining on the grounds that feeling is a fundamental piece of information. In addition, the qualification among feeling and reason is risky, as Jaggar calls attention to, in light of the fact that â€Å"reason has been related with individuals from predominant political, social, and social gatherings and feeling with individuals from subordinate groups†, as â€Å"people of color†¦and women†(1992, 157). The consequence of the bogus differentiation among feeling and reason is that it creates a fantasy about specialists that capacities in a round example where the legend strengthens the mistreatment of the individuals who are seen as passionate, while the persecution fortifies the fantasy that it is awful to be enthusiastic. So as to give a full record of being a decent agent, at that point, we ought to recognize how feelings capacity to create energetic specialists who are solid eyewitnesses. The primary point Jaggar figures a full record ought to incorporate is that from various perspectives feelings are socially developed in a manner that mirrors the standards and estimations of our general public, and that this enthusiastic development impacts our assessments and perceptions of the world. The second part of the social development of our enthusiastic constitution she needs to call attention to is that our passionate development isn't finished as in there are individuals who don't generally react to or assess specific circumstances in a way that reflects social standards and qualities. Jaggar calls these whimsical enthusiastic reactions and assessments â€Å"outlaw†feelings, and states that they are typically experienced by â€Å"subordinated people who pay an excessively
Thursday, August 13, 2020
MoraWarfare, Murder and Minima
MoraWarfare, Murder and Minima Some Moral Minima Home›Research Posts›Some Moral Minima Research PostsIntroductionLenn Goodman had challenges anyone about universal global justice in our very competitive and yet diverse world. In his research about global and societal good, he comes across a former scholar, Bimal Matilal now in a wheel chair, who despite challenges in health comes up with four main norms that should be considered for universal support; Rejection of adultery, defense of truth, Respect for life, as well as abhorrence of theft. Mr. Bimal drew these from the very rich religious and philosophical Indian traditions, as well as working hard not to rely on any ones divinity. In essence, Matilal’s aim was consensus without any form of compromise of principle.Goodman brings us to task and even challenges that had the Americans taken such critical considerations and self consciousness before it gained independence and wrote its constitution that would never have happened, if it were to factor in slavery. This he says is the main game play of American politics as well as law, since there is so much compromise in our political class and activities due to personal interest(Lenn 2010). Our legal framework on the other hand is embedded in this, because not every compromise is tolerable nor praise worthy since ambiguity itself has become appoint of juridical tactic as well as law itself, thereby leaving the most important issues away from the big picture.Mr. Goodman who had been participating in a symposium with fellow philosophers, who took turns to present their thoughts as well as ideal ideas for which would make people embrace good morals as well as upright ethical mannerisms. This is because in recent times there have been increase in violence in the world in proportions never seen before and has been facilitated by difference in ideologies such as religion, political issues such as communism and capitalist. Facts such as these have never been so true, from the cold war to t he now very recent war on terror and suicide bombers. All these is are as a result of one country or religion thinking that they are better than the other. Now the whole purpose of brainstorming by the philosophers was how wills the world with its very diverse population, governments and religious ideas reach a common consent and tolerance. This is because despite many compromises made by various communities or religion in order to accommodate another people there are still challenges that put as apart as a community. Truth be told, there is no over-reaching norm of practice as well as practice that guides as wholly as one people, and without compromise, from what is wrong from right.How do we draw the line and bring all of us to a common consent. The common consent is critical but being unanimous is not sufficient nor does it meet the threshold for proper standard of moral universality. Relativity of it must be taken into account, considering the diversity of any community. This is due to the fact that people want their interests to be taken to account. In our societies however the disparities between rich and poor, as well as young and poor may never fully bring this to be due to one side feeling sidelined or the powerful steer matters as well as situation in their own favor.Warfare, Murder and GenocideFrom the discussion Goodman is absolutely right in the examples that he puts forward that include; slavery, polygamy and incest, terrorism, hostage taking and child warriors as well as genocides, politically induced famine and germ warfare put ones moral stand into task. This is because as one is put between a rock and a hard place as one as why do some things happen or why should one (government) be behind some of these acts. Ones morality is shaken when one discovers that governments would engage in very atrocious acts jus to be ahead of others. He says that murder is wrong but warfare may not be always be wrong as it may be a form of necessity to protect th e subjects in question. So where does one draw the line? He puts it clear, murder is simply wrong as one ends a person’s life. Warfare on the other hand may be a necessary action to deter one side from carrying out its wrongful and atrocious actions. The problem is that war is subject to a lot of dynamics and more often than not rapidly escapes control (Lenn, 2010). There is this form of illusion that war is a device while weapons are themselves only tools.This therefore leads to escalation of war to proportions that strip the moral barriers of those in combat. Rules of engagement are often ignored and war becomes the only form of diplomacy. In far as war is continues all forms of wrongs will happen, everyone in say an invaded country becomes the enemy, the worst being even teenagers and young children as well as women will more often than not suffering the full brutal force of the war. Mass rapes, sodomy, as well as murder of children and women are common wherever war rages s ince it always lies in the intent. In several cases war escalates to a genocide campaign, some examples include the Rwanda massacred of 1994 where 800000 lives were terminated as a community tried to exterminate the other, or the Soviets in Ukraine. As one can tell from the examples it’s all about difference in ideas or when one community feels superior.ConclusionFrom the example one is challenged on what is wrong and right or what may seem wrong but an absolutely necessary action and how should we carry out these actions. We must look at our intentions as well as morality and more so consider the consequences of these actions.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Taking a Look at Schizophrenia - 1249 Words
A common mistaken belief is that people with schizophrenia have multiple personalities. Many people confuse schizophrenia with split personality or multiple personality disorder (Lilienfeld et al, 2010). The misunderstanding stems from the meaning of the word schizophrenia, as in Greek it means split mind (Boruck, 2008). In 1990, Carlson proposed â€Å"schizophrenia is probably the most misused psychological term in existence†. Vaughan (1977), performed a study which found that 77% of students who registered for introductory psychology classes supported the myth about schizophrenics having a split personality. Although, more recent studies have suggested lower support for the myth as 50% of college students, 40% of police officers and almost 50% of those in the community agreed with the myth (Stuart Arboleda-Florez, 2001; Wahl, 1987). Not only does this belief occur among the general population but it is also present in scientific journals. For example, Drummers (2003) med ical journal subtitled The dermatologists schizophrenic attitude towards pigmented lesions. As well as this, Shastry (1999) wrote in a journal schizophrenia is also known as split personality. Therefore terminological confusion seems to be one reason for this myth being common. The myth has appeared in society today through television programmes where the characters seem to present split personalities even though they are playing the role of a schizophrenic. An example of this was in Me, Myself,Show MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Schizophrenia793 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Æ' Schizophrenia is a disorder that has an effect on about 25 million people around the world (Myers, 2010). Schizophrenia is a brain damage, naturally created by the human body, that is caused by the genetically determined vulnerability of the blood-brain barrier (Voronov, 2013). This psychiatric disorder, like most others, is characterized by changes in behavior, thinking, reduced ability to feel normal emotions, and mood (Abad et al., 2011). The unique thing about schizophrenia is that the symptomsRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia650 Words  | 3 Pagesworld’s population has the acute mental disorder of Schizophrenia (World). It is one of the most common mental disorders in the world (World). Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by disordered thinking, delusions, hallucinations, emotional disturbance, withdrawing from reality (Gale), and thinking illogical, confused patterns (World). The disease causes impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors in patien ts (Gale). The word Schizophrenia is a Greek meaning for a â€Å"splitting of the mind†,Read MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia997 Words  | 4 Pagesrespectively. However, the more common symptoms of schizophrenia are hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thought. This paper will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments of schizophrenia. Causes of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia can arise from biological and environmental factors. Genetics are thought to play a role in the development of schizophrenia. It is currently unknown which genes are specifically involved in causing schizophrenia, but the it has been observed that the more geneticallyRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia828 Words  | 3 PagesSchizophrenia â€Æ' Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult for someone to establish what is real and what is not real. Schizophrenia also makes it hard to think clearly or to establish your emotions. Having this disorder affects how a person acts and sees the world. Over 2.2 million people suffer from this mental illness. There are many symptoms for Schizophrenia. Although there is no cure, proper treatment can control these symptoms. A person with schizophrenia may often seeRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia729 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is schizophrenia? â€Å"Schizo†meaning split, and â€Å"phrenia†meaning mind. Schizophrenia is a disorder of the brain that has affected many individuals throughout history. Usually starting in childhood or early adulthood, it is rare for schizophrenia to start after one has reached adulthood. Before schizophrenia was discovered, those with the disorder were considered to be possessed, therefore causing them to be feared or locked up away from those that did not have the disorder. Schizophrenia is chronicRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia 1626 Words  | 6 PagesSchizophrenia is one of the most common mental disorders. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the disorder as the 7th greatest cause of disability in terms of disability-adjusted life-years worldwide affecting about 24 million people worldwide (Frangou, 2008). 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Finally, it will discuss the type of support and treatment that might be effectiveRead MoreThe Biological And Psychological Explanations Of Schizophrenia1405 Words  | 6 PagesIn this essay I will try to explain schizophrenia and talk about the main biological and psychological explanations, also showing how similar and different they are. Schizophrenia is defined in the oxford dictionary as a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between t hought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Development Of The Established Holy Bible - 1629 Words
Marcion of Sinope The development of the established Holy Bible was a long, drawn out process that started with the foundation of the original Jewish scriptures, formerly known as the Torah. Building off of Jewish ideals, theologians and philosophers started compiling scriptures with the ultimate result of the New Testament canon. Typically, many factors were taken into account when distinguishing the credibility or incredibility of a given scripture. For example, apostolic succession, where and when it was written as well as the cohesiveness with the other scriptures (referring to the Old Testament, as well as the documents within what was to become the New Testament). There were various depictions of the New Testament as the universally accepted canon was still developing, some of which contained writings that were certainly questionable. However, there was an initial establishment of the scriptural canon that jump started the process of paving the road towards the Holy Bible as we know it today. It was the absurdity of Marcion’s teachings and that prompted the church to establish an orthodox position on doctrine. Marcion was native to Sinope in Pontus, a small port town off of the inner coastline of Asia Minor. In Sinope, Marcion earned a fortune as a ship owner, which opened up many doors for him down the road. In his travels, Marcion arrived in Rome and attempted to spread his personal developments on Christian doctrine. In doing so, he donated a large sum of moneyShow MoreRelatedChristian Church And The Mormon Church1326 Words  | 6 PagesChristianity traces its origin to Jerusalem in approximately 33 AD. 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The chapter headings and subsections are all the same, so it is my hope that the rest is as well. There may be some variations in content or structure from the ot her that I am not aware of. The subtitle is different: Exploring God’s Plan forRead MoreChurch History, Or Contemporary Experience Of The Other Collection Of Christ2290 Words  | 10 Pagesstrained in its correspondence to the Bible (1 Cor 12:30), church history, or contemporary experience of the various collection of Christ. Dunning s representation of a quiet man who came to faith in his service was extremely convincing too. Could this man who couldn t talk get the Pentecostal submersion of the Holy Spirit as prove by tongues as characterized by Horton? This point was well taken. General I was empowered by the evangelist endeavors of the Pentecostals, the stories of the workRead MoreOrtberg 4mat Essay1523 Words  | 7 Pagesmodeled it†(Ortberg, p. 48). Spiritual disciplines are simple; they help me live in the fruit of the Spirit. The spiritual disciplines discussed in this book are celebration, slowing, prayer, servanthood, confession, receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit, secrecy, reflection on Scripture, developing your own rule of life, and the experience of suffering.  To practice celebration we need to celebrate and be joyful about the life we have.  According to Ortberg (2002), we need to find joyful people
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sci228 Ilab Free Essays
Carmen Coronado iLab SCI 228 June 12, 2011 BMI Part 1 Define BMI-You must define BMI and not just as a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight. Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI! The body mass index (BMI) is of a measurement that was introduced in the early 19th century in order to categorize the entire population’s weight problems. The BMI is a statistic that is used to classify people’s weight as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. We will write a custom essay sample on Sci228 Ilab or any similar topic only for you Order Now The formula that is used to calculate ones BMI is that the metric system will divide ones weight in kilograms by ones height in squared meters. Then the units call for the physicians to multiply ones weight in pounds by 703 and will then divide the number that was gotten by ones height in inches squared. The body mass index will indicate if one is underweight, normal, overweight, and or obese categories. Part 2 Calculate BMI-Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI. There is an approximately 1800 calories that should be ingested. As to my BMR (basal metabolic rate) is about 1300 calories, which I should be eating around 700 more calories in order for it to account for the amount of energy I will be expending during the day in both my daily activities. With regards to food, this entails eating adequate portions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A bowl of steel-cut oats with added whole milk, with a handful of almonds, topped with a tablespoon of ground flaxseed and mixed berries equates to around 600 calories. In the mid-morning I would have a snack of a protein shake and an apple that will work out to be about 100 calories. For lunch a tossed salad containing grilled chicken pieces, romaine lettuce, corn, shoestring beets, carrots, soybeans that will work out to be about 500 calories. For dinner I would have a plate with fried rice, some mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, and a piece of fish seasoned with garlic salt and lemon that would come out to be about 500 calories. So I would be left with 100 calories at the end of my day. Reference -Janiszewski, Peter. Body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity and health: a critical appraisal. June 12, 2011. http://scienceblogs. com/obesitypanacea/2010/03/body_mass_index_bmi_as_a_measu. php How to cite Sci228 Ilab, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Eid Mubarak free essay sample
About Eid Coming with the new moon, the festival marks the end of Ramadan a month when Muslims fast throughout the day and eat only at night Prayers, feasts and family get- together are the major highlights of the eid ul fitr celebrations. It was during this month that the holy Koran was revealed. Eid means recurring happiness or festivity. Eid is celebrated in India with much enthusiasm and fervor and Muslims from all strata of life can be seen adorned in beautiful new clothes, visiting the mosques to attend Salatul Eid (Eid prayers). Greetings of Eid-Mubarak or a blessed Eid are exchanged. A very important aspect of eid is the charity, which all the Muslims are expected to extend to the needy. Earlier, this was in the form of gifts in kind but now cash is given to the needy. The first Eid of the year is known as Eid Ul Fitr. We will write a custom essay sample on Eid Mubarak or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ul Fitr literally means breaking of fast. Thus Eid Ul Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawaal, the tenth month in the Muslim calendar, to mark the end of a month long fast during the month of Ramadan. As the third pillar or religious obligation of Islam, fasting has many special benefits. Among these, the most important is that it is a means of learning self-control. Due to the lack of preoccupation with the satisfaction of bodily appetites during the daylight hours of fasting, a measure of ascendancy is given to ones spiritual nature, which becomes a means of coming closer to Allah. Ramadan is also a time of concentrated worship, reading of the Quran, purifying ones behavior, giving charity and doing virtuous deeds. The secondary objective of fasting is a way of experiencing hunger and developing compassion for the less fortunate, and learn to be thankful and appreciative for all of Gods bounties. Fasting is also advantageous to the health and provides a break in the cycle of rigid habits. Eid Ul Fitr is a day of joy and thanksgiving. On this day, Muslims show their joy for the health, strength and opportunities of life, which Allah has given them to fulfill their obligations of fasting and other good deeds during the month of Ramadan. It is considered unholy to fast on this day. It is also a day of forgetting old grudges and ill feelings towards other fellow men. The second important Eid celebration is called Eid Ul-Adha. Although only the pilgrims in Makkah can participate in the Hajj fully, all the other Muslims in the world join with them by celebrating Eid Ul-Adha, or Celebration of Sacrifice. On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world celebrate this feast of commitment, obedience and self-sacrifice to Allah. They wear their nicest clothing and attend Salatul-Eid (Eid Prayer) in the morning. This is followed by a short sermon, after which everyone socializes. Next, people visit each others homes and partake in festive meals with special dishes, beverages, and desserts. Children receive gifts and sweets on this happy occasion. In addition, like the pilgrims in Makkah, the Muslims, who can afford to do so, offer domestic animals, usually sheep, as a symbol of Ibrahims (PBUH) sacrifice. The meat is distributed for consumption to family, friends, and to the poor and needy. Prayers are offered in mosques and Idgahs and elaborate festivities are held. Eid e milad is also popularly known as Mawlid, â€Å"the birth of the Prophet. †It is derived from the Arabic word, meaning to give birth, or descendant. It is the third biggest of all other Eids. The day is celebrated by the Muslim families across the world to observe the birthday of the beloved Islamic prophet Muhammad. On this sacrosanct day Almighty Allah sent his most praised Holy Prophet in this world to be the source of help and happiness and guide the humanity towards the path of light and follow ultimate truth. Sunnis observe the day on the 12th of the month and Shias on the 17th of the month, which coincides with the birth date of their sixth Imam, Jafar al-Sadiq. Prophet Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, which falls on the third month in the Islamic calendar. Its date varies as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Wwii (690 words) Essay Example For Students
Wwii (690 words) Essay WwiiLooking ahead 1) What do you think is meant by practical consumerism compared toimpractical or design consumerism? I think that practical consumerism is like for instance buying something forthe sake of function like buying a telephone for the sake of talking tosomeone instead of buying a phone for its color or the way it looks thiswould be considered impractical consumerism. 2) How does this film demonstrate impractical consumerism? This film demonstrates impractical consumerism by instead of having agood steady wood or steel shelf and or other household things this plexiglass would look lavish and stylish in your somehow emaculantpenthouse. Technicolor for industrial films 1) Explain why the use of color in advertising had historical and culturalsignificance during the 1950s? Using color instead of black and white made it possible to catch thepublics eye using vivid colors and be able to demonstrate the truepurpose of the product its look and style. We will write a custom essay on Wwii (690 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Design for dreaming 1) Design for dreaming uses several big ideas to promote GMs cars. What are these ideas? List them and write a brief explanation of each. Utopias means place of well being or Nirvana Gender Roles means women was in the kitchen then after she magicallybaked a cake quickly were out playing tennis and parting. Sexual Politics having to do with gender roles like a women wearing ahot dress and an apron in the kitchen. Domestic Labor being in the yard or a beautiful place doing somesupposedly hard task quickly and easily without any effort at all. Futurism The looking ahead in future toward profit. Once upon a honeymoon Explain the benefits and the disadvantages created by the wide availabilityof telephones during the 1950s. You had to rent and pay phone bills, you couldnt own your own phone itmay have made people anti-social. The good thing is convinced peoplewho were unable to afford transportation, not have to waste gas goingfrom place to place and you could talk to your family and friends thatwere long distances away. 2) How do modern communication methods like pagers, computers,cellphones impact our culture today? I find all of the above very annoying because you cant escape them forinstance if I wanted to go out into the woods by myself and not talk toanyone I would of course be called by someone every hour on the cellphone in the car and I would feel obligated to answer it and itseverywhere but on the other hand if I got stuck in the mud I would beable to call for help so its got good and bad points. Frigidaire Finale 1)In Terms of portraying the future, in advertising, how did the 1930sand 1950s compare? In the 1930s for instance they would have said wow look we can keepyour food cold, no more burring your food in root cellars in the 1950sthey would have said look at this slick unit its got all th ese custom colorsand sleke designs they had lost all focus on the function and all on thelook of things. 2)Why did consumers shortages in the war years result in a shift awayfrom futuristic themes? Because during war times people didnt want to thinkabout death they wanted to think about peace and other happy thoughts. America look 1)How does the film demonstrate how the manufactures of the 50sfelt that god design was the key to marketing? The film stated that people were concerned with look notfunction. 3) How did the film promote a Upper Middle Class ? How is this adestroyed view of the fifties? A touch of magic 1)This film presents the 1951 GM cars. Now that the sixties are herewhat clues from the film let you know that things are different? Because thing again were flashy and for instance GM produced the exactsame chassey but with 3 different car models. The only difference wasthe body style. .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 , .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .postImageUrl , .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 , .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:hover , .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:visited , .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:active { border:0!important; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:active , .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46 .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue7b7e20b2d3fcde6b6d0e71cb9a7ac46:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Human Population - Changes in survival Essay 2) The futuristic design elements from the early fifties are gone in this film. What was going on during this period that might make advertisersuncomfortable with portraying the future. Because there was a war going on and people didnt want to think of thecasualties and death that war might bring. History Reports
Friday, March 6, 2020
Health and Safety Essays
Health and Safety Essays Health and Safety Essay Health and Safety Essay Potential for falling objects – The employer or employee must do certain that all points of equipment. stuffs and tools that are non in usage must be stored/stacked right and firmly. Otherwise. there is a possible that the item/item may fall and wound a individual. . Crisp borders and draging leads – Sharp borders must be rounded off to do certain that a individual does non band a portion of their organic structure on them and draging leads should be wrapped in something protective to bunch them together. and to do certain they are out of the manner. . Emptying assembly countries – This is a designated country for staff and other members to run into. We have these to round up people off from the fire to guarantee the safety of everyone. Employers must develop their staff about a fire emptying. doing certain they know which point on the premises to travel to. . Site edifice plants – From clip to clip. employees may happen themselves holding to come in certain countries which may be risky. holding to come into contact with risky substances or holding to be exposed to noisy countries. It is the employers that should guarantee that any edifice work is kept separate from employees but in certain fortunes. all attention must be taken to do certain employees are kept safe in their working environment. . Off-site work – Any hazards that are connected with off-site work must be assessed before the work takes topographic point. These hazards are highlighted and controlled in a similar manner as to how they would be in the workplace. Employees and persons involved in off-site working must be provided with the right preparation and must be given the right information about wellness and safety working. . Organic infestation – When organic plagues arrive in the workplace. they can show infection jeopardies. be violative. pollute nutrient. create harm to stuffs and constructions and besides. can be an irritation to employees. Employers have a responsibility to guarantee that there is an efficient direction of organic plagues. otherwise things may intensify. But besides. employees have a duty to describe any sightings of plagues or to convey up grounds of their being to the suited individual. . Vermin infestation – Vermin infestation can do some serious jobs in the workplace. This can include: harm to equipment. harm to electrical supplies. and taint of any H2O supplies and besides the menace of holding disease from dungs or piss. Employers must do certain that they carry out hazard appraisals and employees must do certain that they report any sightings of rat/mice activity. Infestations can be prevented by holding good workplace hygiene. which involves regular housework. ( hoovering. cleaning rugs and cloths exhaustively ) . . Dampness and Mould – When moistness and mold arises. it can do legion wellness issues and jobs for the employees who work at that place. They may endure from allergic reactions and cold-like symptoms. which includes sneeze and cranky eyes. Damp jobs can besides do serious respiratory jobs for employees. It is the employer’s responsibility to maintain his staff happy and healthy. and so to lodge with this. they should guarantee that they can make all they can to forestall it. Ways which consist of: drying up any condensation around the workplace within 48 hours. put in proper airing and guaranting that cold surfaces are decently insulted. . Materials and Waste disposal – Some employees may come into contact with stuffs which could be risky to their wellness. If this isn’t dealt with decently. these can ensue in hurt or even decease. Employers must attest that they minimise the hazards to their workers that are exposed to these stuffs. Equally good as this. directors have a responsibility to do certain that risky waste is accurately recognized at certain phases of production and that appropriate steps are taken to protect the wellness of the environing people. . Hygiene installations – There are general public assistance demands for staff and employers must guarantee that certain minimal degrees of hygiene installations are provided in the workplace. Types of rinsing installations depend on the nature of what type of working concern it is. The country in which staff can rinse must be in an easy. accessible topographic point. They must be hygienic. good illuminated and ventilate. Hot soap and H2O must be provided and either manus towels and electric manus driers. Besides. work forces and adult females should hold separate installations. . Disabled entree and lavatory installations – Employers have a responsibility to guarantee that if they do employer a individual who is disabled to come and work for them. that there is sufficient handicapped lavation installations and lavatory installations. The installations should hold: drop down manus and besides support tracks. exigency pull cords. accessible wash basins. soap dispensers. toilet paper and paper towels. . Food readying countries – In any type of nutrient readying are. there must be rigorous regulations and ordinances laid down by the employer to forestall nutrient from being contaminated. Equally good as this. it is their duty to do certain that their employees and staff aren’t a hazard to nutrient safety. This is where employers need to concentrate on 4 chief countries to guarantee wellness and safety: maintaining the country clean. describing any unwellnesss. vesture and personal cleanliness/hygiene. . Pest control – Employers must make a figure of things to command plagues. A few of them being: securing edifices to forestall them from come ining. puting and maintain toxicants and traps to kill them. spraying insect powders to kill plagues and put ining ultraviolet insect slayers. . Noise and atmospheric pollution – This can be a serious issue to workers and employers have a responsibility to cut down any noise pollution that might take to damage to the ears. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations applies to any workers who are exposed to noises over 85 dBs or more in the workplace. Durable exposure to this sum of noise will damage an employees hearing. In add-on to commanding noise pollution. employers must guarantee that their workers aren’t exposed to atmospheric pollution. This is known as air pollution. Atmospheric pollution is any particulate affair nowadays in the air that has the possible to damage someone’s wellness. This includes: dust. exhausts and gases. Any wellness status that is caused by atmospheric pollution has the possible to be really fatal for the people in the workplace. Employers have a legal duty to do certain that hazard appraisals are carried out. Suitable and efficient proviso must be provided to guarantee that every workspace is ventilated by a measure of fresh or even purified air. . Temperature and airing – Temperature in work countries should supply sensible comfort without the demand for certain types of vesture. If the temperature is excessively hot or cold. stairss should be taken to accomplish a sensible temperature which is close to comfortable. If employees. staff or any kind of worker is exposed to temperatures that are excessively high or low. the employer must do proviso to do certain that their workers are every bit comfy as possible. Equally good as temperature control. workplaces must guarantee that there is some signifier of airing. This gives workers the chance to take a breath fresh. clean air when they are working. Windows can be one from of airing and another could be decently installed mechanical systems. Both of which provide airing for workers. Ventilation systems which are provided in the workplace should take and thin. warm. humid air which can sometimes be uncomfortable to work in. . Equipment – Maintenance of a safe working environment ranges from holding safe equipment and warning marks to assist protect workers from being harmed. . Safety guards – The guarding of unsafe machinery has been a legal demand for many old ages under the Health and Safety at Work act 1974. Employers must do certain that unsafe machinery that is being used by the workers are trained and the appropriate individual for the occupation. . Warning marks and sound signals – One of the most common safety characteristics in the workplace are warning marks which are used to alarm employees and workers to the possible hazards or dangers that are around them. Besides. warning marks may teach employees on what to make if an exigency occurred. Certain marks such as fire issues must be able to illume up in the instance of an exigency and they must besides be fitted with hearable dismaies. Training must be provided to every employee so that they understand the information or waies being conveyed by any warning marks in their workplace. Another point is. is that the general safety demands for staff in the workplace is that all workers should be cognizant of any sound signals that the company uses if there is of all time an exigency state of affairs. These sound signals are classed as safety marks and staff should do certain that they know what to make if one of these goes away. Staff and workers should be trained to cognize what each and every sound signal agencies in instance of an exigency and besides to cognize what they have to make in the event of hearing it travel off. . Maintenance frequence – A batch of accidents that that go on in the workplace are due to faulty or ill maintained work equipment. Employers have a responsibility to do certain that all of their equipment is maintained and in good form. They should besides guarantee that the care log is kept up to day of the month screening when the machinery and equipment was last inspected/serviced. The care frequence of workplace machinery and equipment depends on legion factors. such as the working bounds and maximal usage of equipment. how it is used and the hazard to safety of malfunction. . Protective vesture – Several occupation functions require staff and workers to have on protective vesture. This can do the occupation that they have much easier. can forestall them from acquiring an hurt and can even salvage lives. Baseball gloves. helmets. footwear. face masks. chemical suits. high-visibility waistcoats and oculus defenders all come under types of PPE. It is the employer’s duty to guarantee that their workers and employees have PPE provided and that it besides matches the possible jeopardies. They must besides guarantee that employees know why they must have on their PPE and that it must be worn right. . Accessible exigency exits – As a portion of their exigency hazard appraisal. employers must take into consideration whether. in the event of an exigency. like a fire that is taking topographic point. all persons that are in the workplace could go forth in a safe mode and make a safe finish. So for this. they must supply safe and accessible fire issues. These fire issues must be clearly signposted with marks that light up and that are alarmed. . Fire asphyxiators or sprinkler systems – In the workplace. employers must do certain that they provide the agencies for staff to handle little fires. The figure of fire asphyxiators that are required within a concern. all depends on how big or little that concern is. Typically. asphyxiators are sited following to possible fire hazards. such as warmers or a computing machine. and they are besides near to issue doors and staircases. Besides. asphyxiators must be obviously signed and labelled. There are five chief types of asphyxiator. and these are: H2O. froth. CO2. pulverization and wet chemical. Employers must do certain that they train their staff and workers to cognize which type of asphyxiator to utilize on a fire and so that they besides know how to work them decently. A much more effectual manner of covering with fires that occur in the workplace. is the installing of a H2O sprinkler system. These work by a fire triping them and H2O is so fed from the H2O supply and puts out the fire. These sprinkler systems are seen as a safer manner of seting out a fire and besides much more effectual.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
A briefing paper for a child health promotion project Essay
A briefing paper for a child health promotion project - Essay Example Mothers are also protected from osteoporosis, ovarian cancer and breast cancer. It has also helped them maintain weight. (WHO, 2001) The aim of this paper is to present a proposal of establishing a Breastfeeding Center in UK which opens daily in daytime and which holds antenatal breastfeeding education classes. This projects aims on (1.) Encouraging breastfeeding and (2) Examining the effectiveness of current measures to promote breastfeeding. This proposal is being presented to stakeholders who will approve this proposal, such as the UK National Health Services Maternal and Child Health programme. The proponent is ______________ (your qualification) This proposal seeks to establish a breastfeeding center in UK which is accessible to most women in the areaâ€â€accessible to their workplace or their homes. This center should be staffed by a Lactation consultant who would offer her services in communicating with mothers and families. The center should have a relaxed atmosphere so that mothers can truly benefit from the breastfeeding learning experience. The center should also provide care for pregnant women, which includes relaxation massage for women, pregnancy massage, baby massage classes, lactation consultancy for breastfeeding support and gifts for mothers and babies. This service should be provided free of charge for women and should be open from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The center should also offer free lactation stay services for women who want to breastfeed their babies for longer periods. The center should also hold antenatal breastfeeding education classes which are essential for successful breastfeeding to occur. There should be education related to breastfeeding and the participants should have access to educational materials and hands-on experience with dolls. The participants should be comfortable and have a
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Human Rights and English law (LLB) Without security there can be no Essay
Human Rights and English law (LLB) Without security there can be no liberty Discuss, with particular reference to the legislative measures on terrorism since - Essay Example Today, terrorism has become almost part of our lives. People are simultaneously worried about security and individual freedom. Politicians are worried about both too. We can see the contrast between the Labour Party Manifesto and the aftermath: â€Å"Citizens should have statutory rights to enforce their human rights in the UK courts. We will by statute incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law to bring these rights home and allow our people access to them in their national courts. The incorporation of the European Convention will establish a floor, not a ceiling, for human rights. [emphasis added] : 1997 Labour Party’s General Election Manifesto. Erosion of Human Rights started with the fight against terrorism. There is also an added fear that erosion of human rights could be counter productive. People detained under harsh conditions, on the basis of secret accusations, which they could not refute, harassed or tortured could create a backlash in the society. But can the country risk its security in the name of freedom? If so, how far can it go without endangering itself? How much protection can security agencies offer without additional powers and how safe are these draconian powers? Which is more important, liberty or security of the nation? Since September 11th, 2001, Government passed many laws, even though there were toughest laws in place already. Crime and Disorder Act of 1998, Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act, 1999, Regulation Investigatory power Act, 2000, Terrorism Act 2000, Anti Terrorism, Crime and Security Act, 2001, Criminal Justice and Police Act, 2001, Proceeds of Crime Act, 2002, Criminal Justice Act, 2003, Asylum and Immigration Act, 2004, and Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2005 are the various laws made for the security of citizens and properties of United Kingdom and there is no doubt that they infringe on the personal liberty of citizens. â€Å"We are particularly
Monday, January 27, 2020
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Physician Assisted Suicide Philosophy Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Physician Assisted Suicide Philosophy Essay Physician assisted-suicide is a personal decision which helps end a sufferings life. Physician assisted-suicide can affect a family physically and mentally. Physician-assisted suicide is the most common type of assisted suicide. Physician assisted-suicide or euthanasia describes any case in which a doctor gives a patient the means to carry out their own suicide. This medical procedure is most commonly carried out on people with terminal illnesses. Physician assisted-suicide is a controversial issue worldwide. Physician assisted-suicide has both pros and cons. When a person is suffering from aterminal illness they are already physically suffering, and should have the right to decide how they want to die. A terminal illness is where either way the person is going to die in a certain amount of time and cant control it. However, physician assisted-suicide is illegal in 47 states, therefore there has to be some type of problem. Physician assisted-suicide should be legal for the people who are already suffering from terminal illnesses. They should not have to suffer anymore. Physician assisted-suicide is necessary in order to put human rights in place. Physician assisted-suicide has many disadvantages. Physician assisted-suicide has many disadvantages because in some states it is not legal and therefore if a physician goes through with the practice the physician will loose their license and can face getting sued. This has happened a few times and is a major problem. Washington and Oregon are currently the only states that permit physician-assisted suicide. Some physicians are not ok with aiding patients in dying, but that is normally not the problem. In source 3 by Reyes B.J, it states that Senate bill 803 prohibits mercy killings, lethal injections, and active euthanasia, and requires patients to receive informed consent. This explains that if a physician or doctor under any circumstances attempts to perform the suicide in states that it is not legal in, then there will be serious legal consequences. The Senate bill 803 protects the act of physician assisted- suicide. Although many people have their doubts about physician assisted-suicide there are many advantages of physician assisted-suicide. One positive thing about physician assisted-suicide is that physician assisted-suicide gives you the right to decide how you would like to die. In source 4 written by Lee M and Alexander Stingl he discusses the Right to die debate. The Right to die Debate discusses whether or not people should have the right to die how they want. Many people could argue this because many people have different opinions on this personal issue. This is important because dying is considered a human right. Also ODDA (Oregons Death with Dignity Act) permits physicians to assist terminally ill patients to end their own lives by writing prescriptions for lethal doses of medication. This means that in the United States, suicide, is no longer against the law. However Physician assisted-suicide still is not legal all throughout the United States. This is because instead of just the individual taking their own life someone else is involved, this makes the issue more complicated because there are legal actions that have to be put in place if anything happens that isnt supposed to. On the other hand physician assisted-suicide impacts some people differently. For example physician assisted-suicide is against the teachings of many religions, such as Catholicism, and some people feel as if it is unfair and unnecessary and against human morals. It is against some religions because physician assisted-suicide is not mentioned in religious readings for example the bible, and God does not believe in physician assisted-suicide. John Pearson writes about how legalizing physician assisted-suicide is unnecessary and painful, both physically and emotionally. If suicide was right then it would have been discovered throughout the ages by the great thinkers in law, ethics, and philosophy. If suicide was right it would have been mentioned in the bible and thats the reason that it is not classified as necessary and why people think it is against certain religions. The term Euthanasia was taken from the Greek word easy death. This is because it provides a quick and painless death. In some scenarios physician assisted-suicide is best. One example of a scenario where physician assisted-suicide was best, was for Sandra Wiener. This 64 year old woman was lucky to die how she wanted. This particular woman prepared for her own death. Her physician described physician assisted-suicide as an unmentionable, intensely private procedure. Even though the 64 year old knew that what was being done was illegal at the time, her physician still carried out with the procedure. Doing this, she was committing a class E felony. However, it was best for Sandra Wiener, because she was terminally ill and suffering. In the eyes of the law, there have only been 3 acceptable ways involved with taking a life. Killing in self-defense, killing in war, and in the case of capital punishment. Physician assisted-suicide has never been looked upon as right. Many persons who want to legalize assisted suicide probably never looked at the risks that could happen if assisted suicide is legalized. If assisted suicide was legal fifty years ago, we wouldnt have some of the advancements that control pain, nausea, breathlessness and other terminal symptoms, today. Not only that but the money which is obtained from patients that spend a lot on medicine and hospital bills would cease to exist if physician assisted-suicide was legal Some diseases that were terminal a few years ago are cured by newly developed treatments. If we accept assisted suicide now, we might delay the discovery of effective treatments for those diseases that are now terminal. What about the already corrupt society of America? Todays citizens mi ght not be as honorable as one might wish when it comes to collecting on insurance policies and wills. With assisted suicide legalized, how would one regard the suspicious death of a terminally ill individual within the family? Physician-assisted suicide is a term often used to describe the provisions of the ODDA (Oregons Death with Dignity Act) although actions taken within the law do not constitute suicide, physician assisted-suicide, or mercy killing or homicide. Many groups that advocate for the rights of the disabled are against the legalization of physician assisted-suicide. This is because their objection stems largely from what they see as a history of medical discrimination against the disabled particularly the disabled poor. They support a group called Not dead yet. This group is largely against physician assisted-suicide. In the article written by Ann Jackson, she explains the positive outcomes of physician assisted-suicide. In 1997 there was a repeal effort. This repeal effort was to make the ODDA( Oregons Death with Dignity Act) effective. In 1998 the act was successfully effective. This was important because this act allowed a terminally-ill resident of the state to ask his or her doctor for a prescription of life-ending medication. This was positive because it allowed terminally ill patients to end their lives without suffering for any longer. With the technology and advancements in medicine today, who is to say that a persons illness couldnt be cured within the next few months or in the near future. Why end a persons life when you never know what could be in store for them. There is always that possibility of a cure coming out before it is too late. There is always that chance. How can someone else know if another person is really experiencing unbearable pain and suffering? Who gets to be the one to decide or to tell another that their life isnt worth living? The fact is that nobody should be able to dictate what one shall do. People should be responsible for making their own decisions, and if they no longer feel that their decision is right, they have no one else to blame but themselves. They cant blame it on their physician if they do decide that they want to take their own life. Physician assisted- suicide is a very personal decision that should be carefully thought about. Physician-assisted suicide is not taken lightly. This is a very serious medical matter. There are many rules and regulations regarding this medical procedure. Many wavers and consent forms have to be signed and notarized before undergoing this medical procedure. This medical procedure is a positive procedure for most families who feel as if their loved one is suffering, or has been suffering for to long. To ensure that the patient receives full trust within the doctor there is an oath. The Hippocratic Oath is an oath taken by doctors which ensures that they swear to practice medicine ethically. This ensures that the physician or doctors prescribing the patient with the lethal medicine which kills them, understands what they are doing and ensures that they are doing it correctly. This oath is like a backup consent. If the doctors or physicians are not abiding by this oath they can face serious consequences which could make them loose their medical license and even be sentenced to face many years in jail. In source 5 written by Andrew Walter he mentions that the Hippocratic Oath protects the patients when undergoing this medical procedure, Andrew Walter is very true when stating this because it protects the patients and the patients understand what is going to happen during a normal procedure. Overall physician assisted-suicide has both its advantages and disadvantages. Some people believe that physician assisted-suicide is morally wrong and unnecessary, but on the other hand some people think it is the best thing to do and is necessary to move on in life. Either way physician assisted-suicide is a controversial issue and has caused many issues over time. Currently physician assisted suicide is only legal in 3 states and Hawaii is still trying to make it legal as the fourth state.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
History of Israel and the Holy Land 332 B.C. to 70 A.D. Essay
The Period from 332 B. C. to 70 A. D. refers to the age of Hellenism under the rule of Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia. The period 332 B. C. marked the conquest of Judea by the Greeks, which subsequently imposed the dissemination of the Greek way of life, taxation, and economic activities designed to acquire economic gains. After the death of Alexander, his generals divided the empire and consequently fought over his empire. Judah fell under direct control of Ptolemy 1 of Egypt, but he did not seriously interfered in its religious affairs (Chapin, H. 988, Paragraph 1 Hellenism and the Roman conquest). However, after Ptolemy 1’s death, his successor was supplanted by the Seleucids of Syria, and in 175 B. C. Antiochus IV grabbed power. He then orchestrated a campaign against Judaism and in 167 B. C. he went and sacked the temple, (which was built in 520 B. C. ) of all its precious belongings. This utter desecration and gross violation of the temple motivated a successful Jewish uprising under the able leadership of Judas Maccabaeus. He then established a theocratic government, which saw the rise of the Hasmonean Dynasty under the leadership of Simon Maccabaeus who was at the same time the spiritual leader,being the High Priest, and the commander-in-chief of the military. The coming of the Romans more than half a century later saw the rise of the chief priests to power and the eventual destruction of the temple in 70 A. D. in the hands of the Romans. The Second Temple 332 B. C. to 70 A. D. The Jewish society rose to power comparable in scope to the ancient Davidic Kingdom under Hasmonean Dynasty, although both religious and political discord is soaring between the Pharisees, who were the interpreters of the written law and the Sadducees, the aristocratic priestly class who implements strict obedience to the written law. However, with the coming of the Romans in 65 B. C. Jerusalem fell in the hands of the Romans, which ended the eighty years of independent Jewish sovereignty and heralded the period of Roman domination of Israel, which began just the same period. The Romans appointed Herod, an Idumaean, as a puppet king of Judah. His appointment as king of the Jews was subsequently confirmed by the Roman Senate in 37 B. C. He then rebuilt and magnified the platform of the temple and constructed many important buildings such as palaces, theater, citadel, hippodrome, and agora modeled after both the Hellenistic and Roman architecture. An internet article published by Planet Ware . com entitled Jerusalem, Israel cited that after Herod’s death in 4 B. C. Jerusalem was under the care of the high priests, which was under Roman Procurators (Planet Ware, Par. 2). Chapin noted that Rome granted the Jew religious autonomy as well as some legislative and judicial rights through the Sanhedrin (Chapin, par. 5, Hellenism and the Roman Conquest). The second temple played a great role in the so-called â€Å"city of the high priest†that is, referring to the prominence of the Jewish religious leaders during this time. The Great Sanhedrin made the temple mount in Jerusalem the seat of both the religious and judicial powers vested upon them by the Roman Procurators. Their scope of authority includes religious, political, and legal authority such as trying a high priest, supervising certain rituals, and even declaring war (Chapin). This religious and judicial body was primarily composed of priestly Sadducees, which may be numbering of about seventy-one sages. The Sanhedrin’s control and judicial authority ended with the rise to power of Agrippa 1 in 41 to 44 B. C. The grand son of Herod 1 the Great, Agrippa 1 extended the city northward by constructing the third wall. However, the fanatical sect of the Jewish nationalist movement known as the zealot challenged the Roman control of Judah in A. D. 66. This uprising brought the Roman legions to a protracted siege, which was carried out by Vespasian, the Roman commander in Judah. The revolt however was crushed by his son Titus in A. D. 70 and Jerusalem and the second temple was destroyed by the Romans (Chapin) Hellenism and the Jews (Evaluations and Commendations) Hellenization, according to an internet article entitled â€Å"Celtic†and Medeterranean Interaction is the process by which non-Greeks were made more or less Greeks, assimilated into Greek culture if not acculturated. The article noted that the extent of Hellenization during the time of Alexander reach even further to the lands of the Barbarians (Celtic and Mideterranean Interaction). The article cited that Greeks abroad carried with them any thing that could help in advancing Greekness and they were more emphatically consciously Greeks and built cities and towns introducing urban structures and new ideas. Chapin pointed out that despite of the strong emphasis on priestly rule and Judaism, Jewish society was greatly influenced by the Greek Hellenism, particularly cities like Jerusalem, except in their adherence to monotheistic faith. However, life in the provinces and rural areas was comparatively unchanged (Chapin). Jerusalem subtly yet speedily adopted the Greek culture particularly the Greek language, games and sports, and even the early literature of the new faith, Christianity (Chapin, Par. ). According to an internet article entitled The Impact of Hellenism on the Jews, though Hellenism was neither offensive nor beneficial yet it poses serious challenge to Judaism (Old Testament History, Par. 1). The article noted that Hellenistic culture presents serious threats to Judaism in the same way that idolatry of the Canaanites neighbor of the Pre-Exilic Israel served as a great temptation, which had caused their nation’s destruction and later Diasporas. The impact of Hellenism on Post Exilic Israel was difficult them to resist in remaining true to their faith as Hellenism offers relief from laborious struggle for existence. Hellenism viewed life as a continuous series of social festivities, comforts, and ease. It was under Hellenistic period that public places for eating and bathing was offered to the public with customary music of strings such as the harp (O. T. History, par. 7) which today may be characterized by the restaurants and public swimming pools. Great public libraries, potential economic opportunities, and sophisticated Greek education would have strong appeal to may nobler Jews and merchants, which made the Hellenistic way of life easily acceptable. On the other hand, conservative Jews particularly Palestinian Jews were not impressed by the social and cultural advances brought about by Hellenism, courtesy of the Greeks. These conservatives despised the Hellenized Jews on the grounds that they had compromised their religion. An internet article entitled The Church History cited that the Hellenized Jews were forbidden in the temple rather they were directed to attend Greek-speaking synagogues to hear and understand the Torah being read in Greek as they could no longer speak nor understand Hebrew. The purpose therefore, of Hellenization was to assimilate every culture, or the acculturation of every nation’s culture under one culture, the Greek culture, is not only a brilliant idea or military strategy if indeed it can be categorized in that way, rather, it is highly advance idea designed to rule the world in utmost peace and economic prosperity. This impact could have changed the course of history had Alexander livelonger than he had lived. It cannot be denied that the influence of Hellenism still benefits today’s generations and the idea of hellenization still dominates the society in many ways. Interpretation Hellenism was a subtle way of conquering the world. Alexander may have conquered much of the known world during his time but his military and political leadership did not live long enough to achieve what he desired, to conquer the world. Perhaps Hellenism was intended by Alexander for a peaceful conquest. Indeed, his model Hellenistic community in Alexandria, Egypt was meant to attract the known civilizations of the benefit of Hellenization. True to his intention, the world was conquered by the Greeks not by swords and spears or by sheer military force but by festivities, by cultural and educational advancement, and by economic opportunities Hellenism offers. Today, the Greek influence still remains after thousands of years in many aspects of the social and cultural life, including arts. Hellenization can be compared to the idea of the democracy promoted by the remaining super power of the world today. By Hellenizing the known world, Alexander can build an alliance with many countries just like the idea of democracy. In other words the same concept in promoting democracy lies in the Hellenization. It symbolized the hegemonic power of Greece under the leadership of Alexander the Great. Conclusions The history of Israel from 332 B. C. up to 70 A. D. as a monument of Greece’ rise to power, and dominance of the world, at the height of their glory, as well as the marks of Israel’s resurgence to power which they so longed, under the Hasmonean dynasty, although this period marks both rise and fall of the three nations involve, its most important contribution in human civilizations was the spread of Hellenism, which truly brought not only economic benefits, but also culturally and socially, and the developments of sports. Hellenism has brought much contribution that even the generation of today is benefiting. The many borrowed words that help us understand meanings of the fast events are just one of the many benefits of Hellenization. Hellenization therefore symbolizes the hegemony of the Greek nation as well as Alexander’s desire to rule the world in peace and in prosperity as by acculturation and assimilation, it would have mean no boundaries or no enemies, rather it promotes unity and cooperation among nations. The blessings of democracy that we now enjoy may be compare to the blessings of Hellenism had Alexander livelonger.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Deloitte Case Essay
Runway offers existing customers (the â€Å"Existing Customer†) a $25 credit (the â€Å"$25 Referral Credit†) if the Existing Customer refers a friend (the â€Å"New Customer†) to Runway’s Web site and the New Customer purchases merchandise from Runway. After a purchase is made by the New Customer, the Existing Customer receives a $25 credit to be applied to a future purchase from Runway. The $25 Referral Credit represents the fair value of the cost Runway would pay to acquire a new customer from an unrelated third party or marketing firm who is not a purchaser of its products. The program is open to all of Runway’s customers and does not need to be combined with any initial or existing purchases. Required: 1. How should the $25 Referral Credit be recorded in Runway’s Income Statement  as a reduction of revenue or as a marketing expense? Explain your answer and support it using the FASB Codification. Your answer should include the Codification reference where you found the applicable guidance. 2. When would Runway record the $25 Referral Credit? What are the entries Runway would record when the $25 Referral Credit is earned by the Existing Customer? Show entries in proper journal entry form. What are the entries Runway would record when the $25 Referral Credit is redeemed against a $100 purchase made by the Existing Customer? Show entries in proper journal entry form. 3. Runway is planning to adopt IFRSs in the near future. What is the relevant accounting guidance they would follow under IFRSs? State the proper guidance and give a brief summary of it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
David Parker An Average Man - 1180 Words
Molly Wagschal Mr. Seland English 10-1 17 June 2015 All or Nothing David Parker was an average man. He was neither tall nor short. His hair, a graying brown, was an average length for a man. He was solidly middle class; he had a Honda Accord and a moderately priced house in the quiet New Jersey suburbs. Mr. Parker was frugal; he never made any frivolous purchases or bought anything without careful consideration. He had worked as an insurance agent at the same company for 30 years and planned to retire in ten years, when he was 65 years of age. He had been happily married for 32 years and had two daughters who had moved out a while before. Mr. Parker was content with his average life; he followed his daily schedule of eating a breakfast†¦show more content†¦David Parker hid his emotions, but he was deeply sad inside. One day, as Mr. Parker was eating his solitary dinner, he remembered an exchange he had had with his wife years before. His wife had suddenly wanted to drive all the way to Florida for the weekend to have a little getaway. â₠¬Å"Come on, David,†she said. â€Å"We never do anything on a whim! Everything is always so carefully planned out. Can’t we just for once do something impulsive?†Mr. Parker had replied with excuses; hotels were too expensive, Florida was too crowded at that time of the year, it would be too difficult to make arrangements with such short notice. Mary had acquiesced, but Mr. Parker could sense that she was disappointed at the lack of excitement in their lives. They planned a trip using his carefully saved vacation days for later in the year, but he knew it wasn’t the same for Mary; she wanted to do something impulsive and exciting. Mr. Parker decided to do something exciting and impulsive; his whole life he had been cautious and ordinary; now he wanted to do something extraordinary. He found an advertisement for a horse racetrack nearby, so he decided to take a trip on the weekend. He watched a few races without betting anything, but then he decided to place a small bet, two or three dollars, just for fun. The horse he bet on happened to win, and Mr. Parker laughed--he didn’t know anything about horse racing, but he coincidentally chose the winning
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