Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Development Of The Established Holy Bible - 1629 Words
Marcion of Sinope The development of the established Holy Bible was a long, drawn out process that started with the foundation of the original Jewish scriptures, formerly known as the Torah. Building off of Jewish ideals, theologians and philosophers started compiling scriptures with the ultimate result of the New Testament canon. Typically, many factors were taken into account when distinguishing the credibility or incredibility of a given scripture. For example, apostolic succession, where and when it was written as well as the cohesiveness with the other scriptures (referring to the Old Testament, as well as the documents within what was to become the New Testament). There were various depictions of the New Testament as the universally accepted canon was still developing, some of which contained writings that were certainly questionable. However, there was an initial establishment of the scriptural canon that jump started the process of paving the road towards the Holy Bible as we know it today. It was the absurdity of Marcion’s teachings and that prompted the church to establish an orthodox position on doctrine. Marcion was native to Sinope in Pontus, a small port town off of the inner coastline of Asia Minor. In Sinope, Marcion earned a fortune as a ship owner, which opened up many doors for him down the road. In his travels, Marcion arrived in Rome and attempted to spread his personal developments on Christian doctrine. In doing so, he donated a large sum of moneyShow MoreRelatedChristian Church And The Mormon Church1326 Words  | 6 PagesChristianity traces its origin to Jerusalem in approximately 33 AD. 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