Saturday, May 23, 2020
Taking a Look at Schizophrenia - 1249 Words
A common mistaken belief is that people with schizophrenia have multiple personalities. Many people confuse schizophrenia with split personality or multiple personality disorder (Lilienfeld et al, 2010). The misunderstanding stems from the meaning of the word schizophrenia, as in Greek it means split mind (Boruck, 2008). In 1990, Carlson proposed â€Å"schizophrenia is probably the most misused psychological term in existence†. Vaughan (1977), performed a study which found that 77% of students who registered for introductory psychology classes supported the myth about schizophrenics having a split personality. Although, more recent studies have suggested lower support for the myth as 50% of college students, 40% of police officers and almost 50% of those in the community agreed with the myth (Stuart Arboleda-Florez, 2001; Wahl, 1987). Not only does this belief occur among the general population but it is also present in scientific journals. For example, Drummers (2003) med ical journal subtitled The dermatologists schizophrenic attitude towards pigmented lesions. As well as this, Shastry (1999) wrote in a journal schizophrenia is also known as split personality. Therefore terminological confusion seems to be one reason for this myth being common. The myth has appeared in society today through television programmes where the characters seem to present split personalities even though they are playing the role of a schizophrenic. An example of this was in Me, Myself,Show MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Schizophrenia793 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Æ' Schizophrenia is a disorder that has an effect on about 25 million people around the world (Myers, 2010). Schizophrenia is a brain damage, naturally created by the human body, that is caused by the genetically determined vulnerability of the blood-brain barrier (Voronov, 2013). This psychiatric disorder, like most others, is characterized by changes in behavior, thinking, reduced ability to feel normal emotions, and mood (Abad et al., 2011). The unique thing about schizophrenia is that the symptomsRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia650 Words  | 3 Pagesworld’s population has the acute mental disorder of Schizophrenia (World). It is one of the most common mental disorders in the world (World). Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by disordered thinking, delusions, hallucinations, emotional disturbance, withdrawing from reality (Gale), and thinking illogical, confused patterns (World). The disease causes impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors in patien ts (Gale). The word Schizophrenia is a Greek meaning for a â€Å"splitting of the mind†,Read MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia997 Words  | 4 Pagesrespectively. However, the more common symptoms of schizophrenia are hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thought. This paper will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments of schizophrenia. Causes of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia can arise from biological and environmental factors. Genetics are thought to play a role in the development of schizophrenia. It is currently unknown which genes are specifically involved in causing schizophrenia, but the it has been observed that the more geneticallyRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia828 Words  | 3 PagesSchizophrenia â€Æ' Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult for someone to establish what is real and what is not real. Schizophrenia also makes it hard to think clearly or to establish your emotions. Having this disorder affects how a person acts and sees the world. Over 2.2 million people suffer from this mental illness. There are many symptoms for Schizophrenia. Although there is no cure, proper treatment can control these symptoms. A person with schizophrenia may often seeRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia729 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is schizophrenia? â€Å"Schizo†meaning split, and â€Å"phrenia†meaning mind. Schizophrenia is a disorder of the brain that has affected many individuals throughout history. Usually starting in childhood or early adulthood, it is rare for schizophrenia to start after one has reached adulthood. Before schizophrenia was discovered, those with the disorder were considered to be possessed, therefore causing them to be feared or locked up away from those that did not have the disorder. Schizophrenia is chronicRead MoreTaking a Look at Schizophrenia 1626 Words  | 6 PagesSchizophrenia is one of the most common mental disorders. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies the disorder as the 7th greatest cause of disability in terms of disability-adjusted life-years worldwide affecting about 24 million people worldwide (Frangou, 2008). Many individuals arou nd the world are affected by this disorder directly and indirectly. This paper looks at Schizophrenia assessing its epidemiology, history, diagnosis, symptoms, causes, and treatment drawing support from relevantRead MorePersonality Paper1187 Words  | 5 PagesJanuary 14, 2013 Dr. Tracy Masiello Personality Theory Paper John Nash was a very interesting man. Many may just know of him because of the movie, â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†. Taking a look at John Nash and his personality and how psychologists, such as Jung and Freud would see John Nash through their diagnoses. Also taking a look at how different theories would go up against John Nash and his everyday life. The different theories that will be looked at are the Five-factor model and Maslow’s hierarchyRead MoreThe Horrible World of Schzophrenia1245 Words  | 5 PagesSchizophrenia is a horrible brain disorder where people mix up what is real and what is their imagination. People with Schizophrenia hear voices in their head that arent really there. People affected with this disease may be paranoid because they believe people are reading their minds, controlling what they think, or plotting to hurt them. Schizophrenics may not make sense when they talk or seem crazy to people around them. They can sit still for hours without moving a nd you really cant tellRead MoreMental Health And Mental Illness1314 Words  | 6 Pagesthings such as anxiety and shock. Thus, this essay was based on a case study; it will look at the meaning of mental health and mental illness in relation to Schizophrenia. Also, it will look at the causes and the functional difficulties associated with Schizophrenia. Furthermore, it will reflect on the impacts of a diagnosis of mental illness on individual and in general and particularly in relation to Schizophrenia. Finally, it will discuss the type of support and treatment that might be effectiveRead MoreThe Biological And Psychological Explanations Of Schizophrenia1405 Words  | 6 PagesIn this essay I will try to explain schizophrenia and talk about the main biological and psychological explanations, also showing how similar and different they are. Schizophrenia is defined in the oxford dictionary as a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between t hought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Development Of The Established Holy Bible - 1629 Words
Marcion of Sinope The development of the established Holy Bible was a long, drawn out process that started with the foundation of the original Jewish scriptures, formerly known as the Torah. Building off of Jewish ideals, theologians and philosophers started compiling scriptures with the ultimate result of the New Testament canon. Typically, many factors were taken into account when distinguishing the credibility or incredibility of a given scripture. For example, apostolic succession, where and when it was written as well as the cohesiveness with the other scriptures (referring to the Old Testament, as well as the documents within what was to become the New Testament). There were various depictions of the New Testament as the universally accepted canon was still developing, some of which contained writings that were certainly questionable. However, there was an initial establishment of the scriptural canon that jump started the process of paving the road towards the Holy Bible as we know it today. It was the absurdity of Marcion’s teachings and that prompted the church to establish an orthodox position on doctrine. Marcion was native to Sinope in Pontus, a small port town off of the inner coastline of Asia Minor. In Sinope, Marcion earned a fortune as a ship owner, which opened up many doors for him down the road. In his travels, Marcion arrived in Rome and attempted to spread his personal developments on Christian doctrine. In doing so, he donated a large sum of moneyShow MoreRelatedChristian Church And The Mormon Church1326 Words  | 6 PagesChristianity traces its origin to Jerusalem in approximately 33 AD. However many of the laws and practices accepted and practiced by Christians were formally established by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, and the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD The Mormon Church traces its origin to the United States or the New World, where it was established in Fayette, New York in 1830. Founder Christians believe The Lord Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. Mormons believeRead MoreEssay about Pentecostal History1501 Words  | 7 Pagesexperience of God through the baptism in the Holy Spirit. During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell upon those in the upper room. Acts 2:1-4 says, â€Å"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[Read MoreHistory And Historical Context Of The Old Testament1684 Words  | 7 PagesThe history of how the Bible came into existence has been explored for centuries and is an active area of study today. There are many facets to the Bible and each has its own set of unique characteristics and teachings. The Old Testament is considered a contemporary guide for daily living, eve n though it was composed hundreds of years ago. Where did the Old Testament come from? What are some of the influences that shaped the Old Testament? What are the significant events of the Old TestamentRead MoreTradition And Scripture Of The Church1303 Words  | 6 Pagesthe practices of indulgences and purgatory. He declared in one of his Theses that ‘ The true treasure of the church is the most holy Gospel of the glory and grace of God†, although the Theses were intended for the current practices, it became a challenge to all traditions of that time and laid the foundation for bringing validity into the teachings of the Church. The Bible outlines how Scripture is the core learning of the word of God and it is documented in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is GodRead MoreThe Role Of Cognition When Participating At The Communion Table1630 Words  | 7 Pagespeople to understand Holy Communion they need the physical reality where through their senses they are able to see, touch and taste. This purpose is to glorify God it may be a mystery but it is one that God has planned. As we look at the Old testament we see the Passover, this was something that God established for all of mankind not just the people of Israel, this was to be a shadow of something better, the true Passover. Even though the word sacrament is not in the bible it is clear that sacramentsRead MoreEssay on Summary of Education Book by Ellen G White1479 Words  | 6 Pageseducation means more than a preparation for life that is now. It has to with the whole being and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, mental, and spiritual powers. The world has many great teacher but God stands higher than them which is the real soiuce of knowledge. The holy scriptures are perfect standard of truth and should be given the highest place in education. He who desire to reach God’s ideal will presents education as high as theRead MoreThe And Authority Of The New Testament Canon1079 Words  | 5 Pages The traditional interpretation of the development and authority of the New Testament canon is often a topic of debate and scrutiny; however, Dr. Michael J. Kruger provided an excellent, well-written justification of how the New Testament canon came to be the 27 books known today. Kruger is President and the Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Other publications include The Gospel of the Savior, The Question ofRead MoreExploring God s Plan For Life On Earth1569 Words  | 7 Pagesassignment was to review a book from the list in the Syllabus. The book I chose was listed as having been published by Kregel Academic in 2008. The version I obtained was published by Inter-Varsity Press and purchased as an electronic book via Logos Bible Study. The chapter headings and subsections are all the same, so it is my hope that the rest is as well. There may be some variations in content or structure from the ot her that I am not aware of. The subtitle is different: Exploring God’s Plan forRead MoreChurch History, Or Contemporary Experience Of The Other Collection Of Christ2290 Words  | 10 Pagesstrained in its correspondence to the Bible (1 Cor 12:30), church history, or contemporary experience of the various collection of Christ. Dunning s representation of a quiet man who came to faith in his service was extremely convincing too. Could this man who couldn t talk get the Pentecostal submersion of the Holy Spirit as prove by tongues as characterized by Horton? This point was well taken. General I was empowered by the evangelist endeavors of the Pentecostals, the stories of the workRead MoreOrtberg 4mat Essay1523 Words  | 7 Pagesmodeled it†(Ortberg, p. 48). Spiritual disciplines are simple; they help me live in the fruit of the Spirit. The spiritual disciplines discussed in this book are celebration, slowing, prayer, servanthood, confession, receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit, secrecy, reflection on Scripture, developing your own rule of life, and the experience of suffering.  To practice celebration we need to celebrate and be joyful about the life we have.  According to Ortberg (2002), we need to find joyful people
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sci228 Ilab Free Essays
Carmen Coronado iLab SCI 228 June 12, 2011 BMI Part 1 Define BMI-You must define BMI and not just as a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight. Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI! The body mass index (BMI) is of a measurement that was introduced in the early 19th century in order to categorize the entire population’s weight problems. The BMI is a statistic that is used to classify people’s weight as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. We will write a custom essay sample on Sci228 Ilab or any similar topic only for you Order Now The formula that is used to calculate ones BMI is that the metric system will divide ones weight in kilograms by ones height in squared meters. Then the units call for the physicians to multiply ones weight in pounds by 703 and will then divide the number that was gotten by ones height in inches squared. The body mass index will indicate if one is underweight, normal, overweight, and or obese categories. Part 2 Calculate BMI-Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI. There is an approximately 1800 calories that should be ingested. As to my BMR (basal metabolic rate) is about 1300 calories, which I should be eating around 700 more calories in order for it to account for the amount of energy I will be expending during the day in both my daily activities. With regards to food, this entails eating adequate portions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A bowl of steel-cut oats with added whole milk, with a handful of almonds, topped with a tablespoon of ground flaxseed and mixed berries equates to around 600 calories. In the mid-morning I would have a snack of a protein shake and an apple that will work out to be about 100 calories. For lunch a tossed salad containing grilled chicken pieces, romaine lettuce, corn, shoestring beets, carrots, soybeans that will work out to be about 500 calories. For dinner I would have a plate with fried rice, some mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, and a piece of fish seasoned with garlic salt and lemon that would come out to be about 500 calories. So I would be left with 100 calories at the end of my day. Reference -Janiszewski, Peter. Body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity and health: a critical appraisal. June 12, 2011. http://scienceblogs. com/obesitypanacea/2010/03/body_mass_index_bmi_as_a_measu. php How to cite Sci228 Ilab, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Eid Mubarak free essay sample
About Eid Coming with the new moon, the festival marks the end of Ramadan a month when Muslims fast throughout the day and eat only at night Prayers, feasts and family get- together are the major highlights of the eid ul fitr celebrations. It was during this month that the holy Koran was revealed. Eid means recurring happiness or festivity. Eid is celebrated in India with much enthusiasm and fervor and Muslims from all strata of life can be seen adorned in beautiful new clothes, visiting the mosques to attend Salatul Eid (Eid prayers). Greetings of Eid-Mubarak or a blessed Eid are exchanged. A very important aspect of eid is the charity, which all the Muslims are expected to extend to the needy. Earlier, this was in the form of gifts in kind but now cash is given to the needy. The first Eid of the year is known as Eid Ul Fitr. We will write a custom essay sample on Eid Mubarak or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ul Fitr literally means breaking of fast. Thus Eid Ul Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawaal, the tenth month in the Muslim calendar, to mark the end of a month long fast during the month of Ramadan. As the third pillar or religious obligation of Islam, fasting has many special benefits. Among these, the most important is that it is a means of learning self-control. Due to the lack of preoccupation with the satisfaction of bodily appetites during the daylight hours of fasting, a measure of ascendancy is given to ones spiritual nature, which becomes a means of coming closer to Allah. Ramadan is also a time of concentrated worship, reading of the Quran, purifying ones behavior, giving charity and doing virtuous deeds. The secondary objective of fasting is a way of experiencing hunger and developing compassion for the less fortunate, and learn to be thankful and appreciative for all of Gods bounties. Fasting is also advantageous to the health and provides a break in the cycle of rigid habits. Eid Ul Fitr is a day of joy and thanksgiving. On this day, Muslims show their joy for the health, strength and opportunities of life, which Allah has given them to fulfill their obligations of fasting and other good deeds during the month of Ramadan. It is considered unholy to fast on this day. It is also a day of forgetting old grudges and ill feelings towards other fellow men. The second important Eid celebration is called Eid Ul-Adha. Although only the pilgrims in Makkah can participate in the Hajj fully, all the other Muslims in the world join with them by celebrating Eid Ul-Adha, or Celebration of Sacrifice. On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world celebrate this feast of commitment, obedience and self-sacrifice to Allah. They wear their nicest clothing and attend Salatul-Eid (Eid Prayer) in the morning. This is followed by a short sermon, after which everyone socializes. Next, people visit each others homes and partake in festive meals with special dishes, beverages, and desserts. Children receive gifts and sweets on this happy occasion. In addition, like the pilgrims in Makkah, the Muslims, who can afford to do so, offer domestic animals, usually sheep, as a symbol of Ibrahims (PBUH) sacrifice. The meat is distributed for consumption to family, friends, and to the poor and needy. Prayers are offered in mosques and Idgahs and elaborate festivities are held. Eid e milad is also popularly known as Mawlid, â€Å"the birth of the Prophet. †It is derived from the Arabic word, meaning to give birth, or descendant. It is the third biggest of all other Eids. The day is celebrated by the Muslim families across the world to observe the birthday of the beloved Islamic prophet Muhammad. On this sacrosanct day Almighty Allah sent his most praised Holy Prophet in this world to be the source of help and happiness and guide the humanity towards the path of light and follow ultimate truth. Sunnis observe the day on the 12th of the month and Shias on the 17th of the month, which coincides with the birth date of their sixth Imam, Jafar al-Sadiq. Prophet Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, which falls on the third month in the Islamic calendar. Its date varies as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.
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